To my amazement I did finally work out a lot of what had been there before the Olympic Park, not helped by the park map which was not orientated with north at the top! It was as good as everyone else has already told you, but as a volunteer myself I cannot praise too highly the Games Makers as they were called. How proud we were that one of them was one of my step daughters. Next year we hope to go back and see what the Park looks like one year on. My worst fears about the obliteration of all that was good about the Bow Back Waters were confounded; wonderful wetland areas, wild flower meadows and masses of trees.
So on Tuesday it was Short Stop, only one referral, but over ten phone calls, mostly to voicemail, before I managed to place a young man from the Congo. As so often during Short Stop I was reminded of some of my pupils in London, several from the Congo, their French not like mine, to their amusement, with dreadful tales of fighting. I rang back to St George's Crypt and gave them the good news, once again the kindness of strangers.
LASSN coordinate the Short Stop programme and they are currently looking for a volunteer to help with their media work, this is what it's all about:-
Fed up with poor, inflammatory representation of asylum seekers and refugees in the press? Have a passion for writing, broadcasting and the media in general? We're looking to recruit a new volunteer project co-ordinator. If you are interested please go to
Wednesday was Coasties, this was the scene that met our eyes after we had walked, laden with tools and our backpacks, about half a mile downhill from the mini bus.
Trail bikers have made these ruts in what was a lovely holloway through the woods. It is hot and humid and there are bitey things, but the job needs doing; so we set to with mattocks and spades and gradually mange to eliminate the worst of the ruts. Meanwhile some of our colleagues have, we think, the easier task; they are designing and building a deterrent and here it is.
Quite difficult for a trail bike |
After lunch the diggers carry on with the task of filling in the ruts, the ground seems to be much harder now and we mutter darkly about what we might do to these motorised vandals. There are places where can they can ride their bikes legitimately, but guess what, they would have to pay.
Eventually I text the fence makers for assistance, two of them join us and agree how hard it is. After a while we all decide to pack up early, it is a long steep way back up to the mini bus; the task is not finished, but there is another day. And below is a bit of the section that we levelled, not perfect, but much better now for walkers.
We are constantly being reminded how much more we should exercise, what an overweight nation we are becoming and how much it will all cost the health service. Well walking is a free form of exercise, it doesn't need much equipment and all you need is a place to walk, but not one that has been despoiled by motor bikes!